At our hotel (Klassik Hotel am Tor), we got to experience the German Eiderdown bedding, which is like sleeping under a big soft marshmallow. We had our first authentic German breakfast (Früstuck). A few students had a unique experience during breakfast. An elderly gentleman, also a guest in the hotel, announced that he was a concentration camp survivor of Treblinka, Dochau, and Flossenburg. It was part the resistance and he was one of the last three survivors who was part of the assassination plot to kill Hitler. It was his first time back as he was going to Flossenburg where he had spent a year.
Sierra and Tori finish their classic German breakfast at the hotel.
At noon we walked over to the school to meet our host families. It was great. It was exciting. And there was a loud cheer when we walked through the door. Freulichkeit. We had a beautiful reception which was organized for us by Mrs. Dill, the Vice President and GAPP Coordinator.
Mrs. Dill waves the American flag at the beginning of the reception.
Here are our pictures of us with our host students.
Zach Webb (American)
Fabian Neiser (German)
Brigitte Hecht (German)
Katie Stivason (American)
Katie Stivason (American)
We visited with our host partners and enjoyed German pastries before leaving to move in to our host homes. The entire English faculty attended the reception along with two of the History teachers. We drank Coca-Cola and water with “gas” or without “gas” (bubbles). The pastry desserts were amazing.
lecker (tasty) German pastries and sandwiches at the reception
The school gave each of the students passwords so they can use the internet at the school during the day. Nick logs in with help from his host student.
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